Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Things I remember...

...that Princess does not

*Record Players (followed closely by 8-tracks and cassettes)
*Happy Meals with cookies
*Movies for 3 bucks
*Bike riding with no helmet
*Our first microwave
*Our first VCR (can you say Betamax?)
*Phones with a dial....and a cord
*The first graphing calculator
*ze plane, ze plane!
*The Electric Company (as in on PBS!)
*Ice out of the freezer, not out of the door
*News on TV...that actually included news
*clothes for little girls that included lace and bows and did not show any skin from the neck to the knee
*chosing between leaded and unleaded at the pump
*pulling the license plate down to put the gas in
*slicing and shredding my own cheese
*use the force Luke
*the cold war
*roller SKATES (don't forget skiis and surf boards, NOT snow boards!)
*our first disposable camera
*checking out at the grocery store, with a clerk punching in the price from the price tag
*the invasion of the hacky sack
*Doo Dads
*rabbit ears and tin foil
*Ruffles Works Chips
*13 cent stamps
*Our first computer
*no call waiting
*malibu barbie
*it ain't easy being green
*i'll spare you the details of the advances in the feminine hygeine area
*Making popcorn on the stove
*(heck she found a floppy disc the other day and asked me what it was!)
*needing a can opener to open cans
*pet rocks
*oh and how about those klakker things and lets not forget
....the first time around for troll dolls, care bears, rubiks cube and teenage mutant ninja turtles
*The magic kingdom without Epcot and MGM and Animal Kingdom
*coffee, nothing fancy just straight or decaf? cream or sugar?
*people smoking EVERYWHERE (EW!!!!)

*Danger Will Robinson
*New Coke


Christy said...

Oh good ones! MOST of these I remember, even if you are a whole 10 yrs older than me!! Heck my grandma finally learned how to use a computer vs a type writer in the last year because it was too expensive to fix hers...she just uses it to type of a Christmas letter! :) I can't imagine going to her house and not seeing a type writer in her sewing room!

Sage Ravenwood said...

Let's not forget Mutual Of Omaha's Wild Kingdom that used to be on right before Walt Disney presents on Sunday Nights. Ahh! Those where the days huh? I wish they had a lot of the same values we grew up with......(Hugs) Indigo

Christy said...

OH I thought of one...actual Saturday Morning Cartoons vs every single day all day cartoons!!!

Oh and Afterschool Specials!

Anonymous said...

The minute I saw Pong I wondered whether we were about the same age, and we are. :) Pong was my first electronic anything. Growing up in England some of the cultural things were different, but there are many familiar bits and pieces from your list.

Thanks for visiting my TT :)


Yolanda said...

We must be close to the same age as I remember much of these too.

Anonymous said...

i do not remember a lot of those. but i do remember simpler times.

it's so strange how much has changed, and i'm only 23 years old!

hope you enjoyed your weekend & high school musical 2!!