Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Another Poll

I logged onto AOL (yeah, yeah, don't even get me started. In my defense I've been using AOL since 1989 and heck - it's just a hard habit to break! I do use it less and less as the days go by, but I guess I'm just addicted to being spoon fed....Anyway!)

I logged on the other day and on the main welcome page there was a headline that went something like "President Bush says we're winning in Iraq. Tell us what you think" With a link to a page where they took a poll asking if I thought we were winning in Iraq.

Crap like this REALLY pisses me off. The media have somehow lulled us in the past 20 years into thinking we have all the facts. And that based on what we see on TV (and the few people who bother to read the newspaper) we are qualifed to make judgements on ANYTHING! Nevermind that most people can't name their Senators or Representatives in Congress - let alone find Iraq on a map!! But hell yeah, let's just change our foreign policy based on a poll of people who are getting their information from the American media. Gee, that sounds like a really great plan to me.

And speaking of the media. The Gubernatorial race here in Michigan is making me SICK to my stomach. The ads both sides are running are so obviously full of half truths, I can't bring myself to vote for either of them. On top of that (and the one that REALLY pisses me off) is our current Democratic governor has taken to running a horrid commercial about her stand on abortion, verses that of her opponent. Not even taking into account that the ad makes me want to run out and vote for the Republican, what gets me is this... Since when does the Governor have any control over the availability of abortions in Michigan? Seriously? What point does this ad serve other than to try and get stupid people to change their opinions based on some perceived injustice?

I guess it mostly angers me that the American public is content with being so ignorant of what is going on around them. I'd like to run an experiment and get an advertising campaign going on a national network. Something stupid like "profits from snow shovels linked to terrorism" and see if we can get everybody in the north to stop buying shovels to shovel their driveways. Or maybe "eating marshmallows linked to weight loss" - maybe we could get marshmallow sales up!


Christy said...

Gee all these idiotic democrats, after Kerry's remark of how obviously MY husband must be a complete moron and must have not done any studying and just be over all stupid, they can all just go and shove it up their A**. That's all the democrats, most especially Kerry. It's too bad he ever made it back from Vietnam in my opinion, piece of crap. Maybe he'll go to the ketchup factory and some freak accident will happen.

Oh we could only be so lucky.

Anonymous said...

Like you, I would love for these elections to be over. I'm tired of the hate spewing commercials!
♥ xox

Lippy said...

Hmm, there must be something to ESP, lol. I just had a rant very similar to yours over at my neck of the woods.

Well-said, Kelly.


Charles said...

Don't get me started,I hate politics all together.

I hate everything about it. The bickering, the greed, the corruption, there salaries. Even the fact that we have these "parties" that seem to be more like gangs to me. In New York there is this comptroller named Hevesi who was using our money for his benefit. Now there trying to find a way to get rid of him. Who you ask the "enemy". I'm just tired of the way our government is being manipulated. If someone is doing something bad, you find a way to get rid of him, and replace him with someone on your side. They should be more concerned with the fact that the funds were being misused. Stuff like this is why I don't want anything to do with the voting process, or politics.

How about trying to get pink flamingo sales up, I heard they are doing away with them.