Things in my neck of the woods are starting to look up. Exams for the summer are over. 1st half I took Intro to Education and Psychology of Disabilities, and pulled in an A and B+ respectively. 2nd half of the summer kicked my butt! I am not having good luck with my math teachers and pulled another insane one for my Calc 2. Calc 2 had me in class M-F for 2 hours a day - which you can imagine was not a thrilling prospect during the best part of summer in Michigan! With Calc 2 I also took Technology in Education, which was an online class. I wish I could take more of my classes online - it rocked! Got an A in my online class and somehow managed to pull a B- out of Calc 2. I thought for sure psycho teacher was going to hand me a big ole C. Ah well, I'll take that B anyway I can get it.
I have a whole week off before heading back to class on the 28th. The doctor's office called and asked me to come in and fill in for one of the girls that is going on much for having a week off. I'm a little bummed, since I haven't really spent a lot of time with Princess this summer, but glad for the money since I haven't worked since spring and student loans only last so long.
Two more weeks until princess goes back to school. I've only got 4 classes for fall semester so I'm thinking maybe I'll skip one day of class my first week and take her to Cedar Point or Great America.....or maybe just keep it local and go to Michigan Adventure. We'll see.
Oh, princess starts junior cheer next week. I'm trying not to gag on the thought, and I'm sure they will all be cute and adorable.....but a cheerleader? really? I'm starting to think they sent me home with somebody else's child :-)
:::gasp::: You're back!! :) Great job this summer, and good luck with the fall semester. Classes start here on Wednesday. Woohoo!
I know what you mean about just not having anything to post.... I thought once I got a connection I would be a posting fool... but I've been busy... and by the time I read everyone else I feel like Judith over at Judith Heartsong... "I got nothing" Hopefully fall will bring shorter days and a little more ambition {g}
It's about freaking time you updated woman, even if I did know you were alive and just working your butt off in's still NO EXCUSE to ignore your friends (especially ME) and your journal at the same time! You really MUST get your priorities straight and next time....studying or Princess just is going to have to come after me or this you understand missy? LOL
I'm glad you're back to at least update. I'm so proud of you (I know I already told you this), especially in Calc 2!! You're getting closer to being done!
Make sure to skip that day of class and go make a fun memory with that daughter of yours!
I love you girl!
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