Tuesday, September 26, 2006

What in the world?

You know how some days you just really, really wonder what is wrong with people? What have we become as Americans (well, inhabitants of the planet earth in general) over the last few generations that causes so many people to act in ways that make you wanna say WTF!


No, really, you could

Now, had enough?

Well, in that case, you should definately
GO HERE to unwind (best viewing time is 12-4 am Eastern or 4-8 pm Eastern, and be patient because it's offline a lot, but your first glance at a live giraffe in the middle of Africa drinking from a pond and I know you'll be hooked just like me :-) )


Christy said...

Ok the first two links were the same story, but that's insane!!!! My gosh, they do something to help this guy and he keeps it a secret that he has AIDS and now won't help! What is wrong with people?

Astaryth said...

Andthen people wonder why someone doesn't jump up to help.... What's the saying "No good deed goes unpunished... Sometimes you just want to pop people {sigh}

But, the third link has been a favorite of mine for a while.... it's great, isn't it!

Anonymous said...

People are crazy.
I love the third link, and have for a long time.
xoxo ♥

Charles said...

It was offline.

I don't know why that guy wouldn't get tested. That couple helped him, you'd think he could at least return the favor.

People can be so cruel sometimes. Stealing that boy's bike.

TJ said...

I have been checking that thrid link but it is off line...so far.
I will keep trying.

Yup WTF is a great question?
I am sure that we have sat to comfortable at the top of the food chain for a little to long...we forget to soon.
Love TJ