Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Hitting the Wall

Sheer exhaustion has finally set in. I promised myself I would turn in early tonight, I am SO tired. Exams are done. My history exam this morning was great, she even gave us extra credit (15 points) which she said she would give us full credit for no matter what we wrote down, as long as we wrote something! How fun is that?! I wish I knew what to say about my psychology exam. I got another C >harumpf< I thought this test was easier than the last 2.....

But let me go back. I set up my classes so that they would all be in the same building. About the second week of the semester I got really sick, bronchitis sick, hard to walk and breath at the same time. I missed almost 2 weeks of school. Well, during this time my psych professor moved our class to another building. So that even when I did go back to class, his class was still too far to get to (since it was right smack in the middle of my day!). Not a major problem, I kept up on the reading and according to his syllabus we would be graded on 3 50 question multiple choice tests. When the first test came, I got a C. No problem I thought - I missed so many classes, a C is to be expected. Between the 1st and the 2nd tests I only missed one class. Took the 2nd test and thought it was really hard! So, I was happy with my 2nd C, but a little disheartened - since I got the same test score whether I went to class or not. Since the last test I missed 2 classes. Went, took the final today (which was not cummulative) and thought it was really easy. But I got a C on this one too! I am so bummed, but in the long run, it's not in my major and it's a passing grade so I shouldn't complain too loudly.

I did get an unexpected surprise this afternoon. I went to log into my grades to see how I did on that psych test and lo and behold there is a "new" class listed on my class list. It was titled Junior Year Writing waiver. The University I attend requires you to take a writing class in your freshman year, and then again in your junior year. It seems, that without my knowing about it, my professor was participating in a "pilot" program. The junior year writing requirement can either be met by taking the class for a semester or testing out of it. The history class I took was also considered a "writing" class, where 50% of the grade was based on papers that you had to write. Starting next year, these teachers will be able to grant you a waiver for your junior year writing if your papers are good enough. But, since we were involved in the "pilot" program some of us got our waivers early!! I am just so excited. I was dreading having to find time to go take this test! And now I don't have too - yeah me!

Now that exams are over, be warned, next week is Josh's 6th glory day (sounds so much nicer than saying the anniversary of his death) so expect entries over the next few days to turn gray and mucky. I haven't had time to really deal with it these past few weeks. His birthday flew by without much time for a serious breakdown, so I have a few stored up. If you're in a particularly good mood, you may want to avoid me for a few days :-)


Charles said...

Man I would have failed the classes you take. A "C" is a good grade to me.

Rain or shine I'll read.

TJ said...

The history class I took was also considered a "writing" class, where 50% of the grade was based on papers that you had to write. Starting next year, these teachers will be able to grant you a waiver for your junior year writing if your papers are good enough.

Now just how cool is that!!!
As it should be...LOL!
You have my respect women...
Love TJ

greatwhitebear said...

Congrats on getting through it all, and on the waiver! Now...GET SOME REST!

Anonymous said...

Ok so I could comment on everything you wrote about school, and I will a little...good job although I feel the frustration with you on whether going to class or not it didn't seem to matter when it came to your grade, and I'm thrilled for you about the waiver!

Now, onto Josh. Did you notice how this year their birthday's and as you're calling it "Glory Day" lands on the same day of the week as they did when they died?

It hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm praying for you this next week Kelly. I love you and you know I'm here. Pray for me too ok. I honestly feel like I'm going to be reliving that whole week. It feels like in ways I was JUST living through those days, yet I can look at my life and see how it really HAS been 6 yrs.

It sucks. I love you. I wish Josh and Jordyn were still here and that these coming days were just any other ordinary days.

Astaryth said...

First... Yay on getting thru all the school stuff... And a big w00t about the waiver thing.

Now, second.... I know this is going to be a rough couple of weeks, but you blog whatever you feel, and I'll be here. I missed you a LOT while you were off gettin' edumacated, and I'm not going to miss you just cause the entries are liable to make me cry. Hang in there kid!