Thursday, April 27, 2006

Home again

Home with a sick princess

As you may have guessed, my day did NOT go as planned. Ah well, the joys of motherhood :-)She woke up this morning saying she had a sore throat and her tummy hurt. I figured she was just trying to get me to let her stay home from school. Then I layed next to her and realized she was practically on fire. She continued to complain that her throat hurt to badly to eat. So, off to the doctors office for a strep swab. Thankfully that was negative, so back home to watch Narnia and try to make it through the day. Nothing like spending a day with moaning and puking to remind you why you became a mother. She managed to get a nap in this afternoon, but she still didn't eat until 6:00 tonight. Once she was finally able to eat, things took a turn for the better, but she was still begging to go to bed before 8:30. Hopefully she will wake up a new girl tomorrow, I have too many things to do!

I did get a pleasant surprise today. Two of my grades got posted. I got my expected A in history, but I got a nice surprising A- in Statistics. Wow! I was shocked! I'm not complaining, because that means if I can pull out a C in Calculus I'll end this awful semester with a 3.0 ish grade point average, which would make me over the moon happy!

On a stranger note, on the news tonight there was a story about an 84 year old woman being raped (by all reports by a man in his mid 20s). I'd really, really, really like to know what kind of sick person would even consider doing something like that? Honestly! How twisted do you need to be to commit rape in the first place but to choose a helpless old woman? It makes me ill just to think about it.

My mom & dad won't be back from Florida for another 10 days. It's been lonely without them around to lean on. Princess is always asking when Grandma is coming home - and today of course the whining consistently included "I want Grandma!" poor thing!

I did decide to try to make it to a movie tomorrow - I think it's going to be United 93. This, of course, all depending on her majesty waking up in a good mood and going to school. Otherwise I'm stuck here again, just me, the sick kid and the internet. What more does a girl need?


Emily Suess said...

Congrats on the grades! Great job. Hope your daughter is feeling A-OK really soon.

Charles said...

It's sad about what happened to that woman, but if there is one thing I have learned is that anything is possible. I remember hearing about some guy a long time ago having sex with cadavers. That was so gross, it made me sick to my stomach to watch anymore of the report on the TV.

Dona Cox said...

Good job Kelly on the grades. It's a great feeling, isn't it?

As for the sicko who victimized an innocent elderly woman; only a pathetic wimp insecure in his manhood would commit such a horrific act.