Monday, May 22, 2006

Mondays are so painful!

Don't you just hate Mondays after you have had a weekend off? Princess just does NOT want to wake up. It's a chore to get her ready for school. Heck, it's a chore to get ME ready for school! Especially since I knew I had a test first thing. Our Prof had told us last Wed that he was covering another class (at one the other campus no less) and that he would be late to our class - but that he would have somebody from the office come protor the exam.

Class is supposed to start at noon. noon plus ten and STILL nobody to give us the test...we had to send somebody to the office to ASK them to come give us the test. Geesh. Thankfully it was only 60 questions, multiple choice. I think (hope) I got a B on it. There were a few, thinking back, that I think I got wrong. So, we'll see! The two hours of lecture after the test, were sort of a blur.

Tomorrow I'm going to school with Princess in the morning. There's a bulletin board with my name on it! All the Flat Stanleys have come back and they need to be proudly displayed on the board outside of class. I volunteered - I love doing bulletin boards :-) Princess sent her Flat Stanley to visit her aunt and uncle in California (and their 1 yr old twins). He had a great time - he went to work with Uncle Scott (Uncle Scott works at cool of a job is that?!) and he got to see the Pacific Ocean, and even climb a tree. Princess was so excited to see everything that Flat Stanley did.

I'm also going to start tutoring the kids one on one for a few hours each morning (before I go to class). I told the teacher I'd be happy to come in and I was shocked that she had so many kids who need help with the addition facts. Wow! This is the end of 2nd grade. Since there's only a couple weeks of school left, I figured I could squeeze in a few days of volunteering.

OY!! (sorry, CSI: Miami is on and I KNEW she was the mole!)

Have you seen the cute little build-a-bears that McD's is giving out in the Happy Meals? I'm looking forward to day after day of "can we go to McDonald's?" "can we go to McDonald's?" " PLEEEEEASE, can we go to McDonald's?" Lucky for her I'm really good at saying "No!"


Emily Suess said...

Hope you did well on the test! And look, it's practically Tuesday now! :)

Charley said...

It's Tuesday here, so I'm happy to say...Monday's OVER!

Be well,

TJ said...

Testing! Stress! I am laughing...lucky for her I can say NO!
Build a bear huh?
Man I wish my name was TJ Mc Donalds!
have a good day..
Love ya

TJ said...

Hey where did that H come from...?
Just TJ

Christy said...

Well I'm sure you did just find on your test! Just think before long, school will be out for little Princess!

Thankfully McD's isn't on every corner here, although we do have 2 in town, we go maybe once a month or every other month.

Dona Cox said...

Ah yes...finals. God I'm glad that part of my life is over!

And, I suspected she was the mole too...from the beginning; and then there was that ending. That conniving DA got exactly what she deserved.

Bedazzzled1 said...

Oh no! Why did you have to tell me McDonald's had THOSE in their Happy Meals? I turned into a crazed, Beanie Baby collecting maniac some years back. (And I despise their food!) The idea of build-a-bears is darling. Egads. Guess I know where my car will soon be automatically driving to in the next weeks. ::sigh::

Nikki~the soon-to-be bear addict

Judith HeartSong said...

good things are happening for you all..... be well. judi

TJ said...

drive by.............HELLO!
Loe TJ
ya know that non smoker one
going into 3 weeeks now...

Christy said...

Come on now woman, update

Anonymous said...

Can I just say that I miss you on AOL.....

Donna. W said...

OK, where are you????