Saturday, November 19, 2005

And Then it was Saturday

Thursday night Princess was in a play, well actually I think it would be considered a musical. It was called "Giraffe's Can't Dance" (based on the book by the same name). The play and all the songs were written by our very talented music teacher and I have to say I was impressed. There were six classes involved - 3 second grade and 3 fourth grade. Each class represented a different kind of animal, princess was a water buffalo. There were six narrator's, and 2 "lead" characters. The two lead characters had singing solos and they were outstanding!

They did a performance of the play in front of the entire school at the end of the day on Thursday, and then in the evening for parents, friends and family. I think everyone really enjoyed it. The only complaint I heard was from people who couldn't see. Our school is not set up for this type of performance, it was done on a portable stage in the gym with folding chairs set up for the audience, so not exactly an ideal setting. But the kids were so stinkin cute that you couldn't complain to loudly!

You could tell they all worked so hard. Each class had a different dance to learn. One did a waltz, one did a tango, one did a cha cha, etc..... you can imagine all of us trying to keep straight faces as 26 children at a time tried to stay in step and to the beat. It was too cute for words.

I had planned on using today to sit around and feel sorry for myself. Princess is gone until late celebrating Thanksgiving with her father's family. I'm feeling the crunch of the holidays starting to set in, and the cloud of sorrow maintaining a more permanent shadow on my heart. It happens every year, so it's not a large surprise. It's just hard to adjust, hard to compensate - but I will find my way this year, just as I have in the past.

Mom talked me into taking dad to a movie so I took him to see Good Night and Good Luck. Yes, I know I've seen it before! But he hadn't. It was just as good the second time around, heck it may have even been better the second time around. The theater was filled with old people again. Maybe it was just because Chicken Little and Harry Potter were playing in other theaters. Maybe it was because nobody really wants to see an intelligent thought provoking movie.

Now I'm in for the night, plopped in front of the puter, flicking through the bad movies on TV. Life is good.


Bon & Mal Mott said...

Bon says your daughter is a cupcake. I say she's cute. If we had had to wear headgear and a graphic back in the days, we would probably have felt humiliated.
"The theater was filled with old people again." Yep, that would have been us. We grew up watching Edward R. Murrow.
Bon & Mal

Astaryth said...

Cute as a button, she is!

Emily Suess said...

Most darling water buffalo I've ever seen! Reminds me of the one joyful memory I had while working at the school--the Christmas program.

Laura said...

what a cute water buffalo!
who kew!
princess is such a cutiepatootie.
I bet her and Jodie would get along famously.

Charles said...

How cute. That reminds me. I did a play when I was little. I don't remember what it was called, but I was a rat.