Sunday, November 27, 2005

What the heck is HTML

I've been playing around with HTML this weekend and I think I might even like it. Who knew that you CAN teach an old dog new tricks? There are a ton of things I still want to learn. Backgrounds and colors and all the things that go into creating a template. I'm excited. Excited to think that I probably never would have considered learning any of this a few weeks ago. Excited to start stepping into the 21st century! I guess that means you can expect my page to look different every few days. You know how it is - you get a new toy and you just HAVE to play with it!


Bon & Mal Mott said...

There ya go! We love new toys also. Who knew 'that ISP' would secretly do us a service?
Bon & Mal

Laura said...

and you'll teach the even older dog?
Good for you!

Charles said...

I was tinkering with my journal too, and somehow I ended up with my profile, picture and links at the bottom of the screen. LOL! I am not giving up though!

jennifer said...

LOL It's funny how this forced exile has given so many of us a new and challenging lease on blogging life. I'm having so much fun learning all the little nooks and crannies. More fun than I ever thought I would have. Change is good sometimes!

Astaryth said...

And we'll have Fun, Fun, Fun till Daddy takes the T-bird away! ::LOL::

I'm working on a new toy... I'll let you know when I get it worked out... IF I do ::LOL:: Hey, you know you don't have to change the background of the entire journal... You can just change it for one entry too! I deleted the one that I did because it was 'just a test', but it worked, so I know it can be done now.

Have fun.. and be sure to save any code you make so you can share!